Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Post #2

For this post, I read an article online about the Jonas Brothers. In this article, it talks about how in a recent post to their MySpace blog, they answered a couple questions fans asked them. When asked if they would ever date a fan, they said “The answer is YES,” and they also said “We have already dated fans or girls that are not celebrities. In fact, we really like to believe that the girl we will spend our lives with will be our biggest ‘fan.’” The article goes talks about how this will most likely fuel their fans obsessions even more, which I can believe, because I am a huge fan and also kind of obsessed. Another part of this blog post was quoted and it says, “It is our rule to not talk about our personal lives, especially who we are dating," they wrote. "The same would be true if we were dating you.” I support their decision for doing this, because I know from past articles I’ve read, girls have sent death threats and other horrible threats to girls that one of the Jonas Brothers are supposedly dating. Even though it is pretty obvious who they are currently dating, I think it is good that they aren’t sharing it, both for their own sake, and for the sake of the girl they are dating. Also, one interesting thing I noticed in the article is that it used the word "deign" which was a recent vocabulary word.

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