Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Breaking Dawn has been very interesting, but lately it has been getting kind of boring and repetitive. I'm currently still in the section where it is from Jacob's perspective. Bella isn't really improving much, but Edward told Jacob that Carlisle predicts she will give birth to this vampire baby in a few days. The main reason it is boring right now is that not much more is happening to Bella, and there's kind of a cycle of Jacob patroling, then talking with Seth and Leah, then going in the Cullen's house to see Bella and get updates, then he sleeps. It's this constant pattern with not much change each time it repeats itself. I'm still wondering if Bella will ever become a vampire. I'm starting to think she will never be changed into one. Another thing I've thought about is if Jacob will keep his mini "pack" or if he will go back to La Push and lose his Alpha role he has now and just follow what Sam says.

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