Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So far, my overall opinion of Eclipse is that there is more action than Twilight or New Moon. As usual, Bella keeps getting herself in more trouble and it's becoming more serious. Another thing that is becoming more serious is Bella and Edward's relationship. Bella is determined to become a vampire soon, so she can be with Edward forever. Part of the deal was that she had to wait until she graduated high school, but now that that has happened, Edward has put a new twist on it. He will not change her into a vampire until she marries him. Bella will marry him, but she doesn't want to right now. She doesn't want to marry right out of high school, which I agree. Even though she would become a vampire, I think it would be weird to get married that young. Edward and Bella are now engaged, but while she is trying to figure out how to sneak off to Vegas with him to get married, there is trouble with vampires. For once, Bella made connections among certain events that involved vampires. Now all these newborn vampires, most likely made by Victoria, have come to Bella's house to get her scent, and are now after her. I was really surprised when the Cullens agreed to join forces with the werewolves from La Push and try to fight off these dangerous newborns. Although, it is most likely because Jacob is also in love with Bella, and both Edward and Jacob want her to be safe. This is definetly an action-filled book, with the action getting more and more intense. I'm starting to wonder if Bella will ever become a vampire, since she's been talking about becoming one almost the whole book, and she hasn't really made much progress towards getting changed by either Edward or Carlisle.

1 comment:

Saharie said...

Yes! Twilight! Something familiar. You will love Eclipse, I can't see how you wouldn't. I can't say I agree too much with the Jonas Brothers. But I like your taste in novels!